Apr 8, 2010

El traspatio [Backyard] 2009 - Mexico


Plot & Summary
The problem of the death women is the hydra for any authority of Cd.Juárez, a common place for the intellectuals and artists to denunciate and a complete state of "under siege" for the society who see the problem unsolved since so many time. With that background, this is maybe the first Mexican film to approach this serious matter since the documentary "Señorita Extraviada" back in 2001. And definitely, El Traspatio goes in a more direct direction than Bordertown(2006) with J-Lo and Banderas having persecutions in Hollywood style, or that forced (and failed because it was superficial) mention in Casi Divas (2008). There are many talented people in this one: Reknown writer Sabina Berman takes some stories (of course it's not possible to hold the whole matter in one film) and builds the principal frame. Skilled director Carlos Carrera (from that Alfonso Cuarón/González Iñarritu generation) takes a crew of great actors (so many great performances!) and presents us the open wound. It's a great change for the Carrera style, going now into city stories more than rural ones. Look for the cinematography, is really outstanding. The story goes to the nearly stages (no one can tell the beginning) of the problem with a net of characters and stories that connect each other, transporting the audience to Cd. Juárez and giving many topics to think about. If you are interested in social intelligent cinema, don't miss this one.

7.2/10; 212 votes

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