Apr 29, 2010

Los viajes del viento [The Wind Journeys] (2009) - Colombia

Colombia's official submission to 82nd Academy Award's Foreign Language in 2010


Plot & Summary
The rugged majesty of the Colombian landscape forms a spectacular widescreen backdrop for a simple, bittersweet tale of regret and companionship in "The Wind Journeys." Awash in scenic vistas and infused with a touch of the supernatural, this beautifully judged two-hander tells the story of an aging accordion player and the young wannabe musician he's reluctantly allowed to accompany him on his long trek north. Fest travel will take writer-director Ciro Guerra's second feature far and wide, particularly in Latin American territories, and smart, venturesome distribs should be able to capitalize on the film's abundant visual and emotional rewards.

7.8/10 203 votes

Download movie (2 CDs) and subtitles

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