Apr 11, 2010

Miracle Fish (2009) - Australia

2010 Academy Award Nominee - Best Live-Action Short Film


Plot & Summary
Another film starring a young boy, Miracle Fish follows schoolboy Joe on his eighth birthday. He’s an unpopular kid from a lower class family. The only present from his estranged father is the titular item – a novelty paper “fortune teller.” He sneaks away from the bullies to nap in the sick bay. He awakes to find everything quiet – school has let out, or has it? It leads to a surprising resolution that I don’t want to spoil for you. If you can get ahold of this one to see how it plays out, I’d encourage it. Miracle Fish is clearly helmed by very talented filmmakers. Australian writer/director Luke Doolan knows how to craft a story, to build suspense, and to keep us engaged all the way through. The short effortlessly moves from playful to disturbing, and the ending’s payoff is fantastic. One could make the case that there isn’t a lot of forward motion in the story, and that Joe doesn’t have much of an arc. But the short is a format where filmmakers should be free to work outside of traditional screenplay/character structure, and this film is effective nonetheless. Producers, take note of a talented newcomer.

7.1/10; 222 votes

Download movie (140 MB):
Part 1, Part 2

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