Plot & Summary
Aggressively confrontational depiction of (rural) life as hell – director defies audience to look away/walk out. "So much immorality and filth in the world." TV as idiot-box in corner of room. Countryside (not far from Recife) is setting for intersection of characters. Serious tone, classy camerawork. "Hey pissers! I've found the minge eaters!" – so announces the satyr-like, debauched/depraved local Lord of Misrule. Porn footage glimpsed as local lads congregate to drink in abandoned cinema. Petrobras filling station is seen (Petrobras is one of the film's funding-bodies). Pubescent teen put on display by savagely brutal grandfather/father (result of incest, of course). Digging a cesspool: stench is the "rottenness of the world." 16-year-old virgin in peril. "Come on, slags!" roars the scruffy Lord of Misrule, bad-influence Everardo (played with sleazy over-articulate relish by City of God's M.Nachtergaele). "I want arse! I want arse! Where's the butter?!" Prostitutes are exploited, downtrodden (literally, as anti-hero seeks satisfaction through arbitrary violence.) Editing explicitly parallels exploitation of the prostitutes with that of local sugar-cane workers. Their stoic silence as they're driven to work. Rating
5.9/10 314 votes
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